Easy Steps in Cleaning mattress by yourself

LHM September 23, 2013 Comments Off on Easy Steps in Cleaning mattress by yourself
Easy Steps in Cleaning mattress by yourself

Easy Steps in Cleaning mattress by yourself

It is paramount for any self-respecting human being to clean their mattress on a regular basis. This is one of the most undeniable facts related to human existence and it’s not something we can attribute to cleanliness alone, meaning that it’s not important just for the sake of your mattress being clean, but also for your health and other factors I might or might not mention (probably not). You will be disturbed and disgusted to know that your beloved mattress is the home of a massive body of microorganisms of all sorts, including the infamous and infinitely nefarious dust mites, deadly predators on a molecular level – the main cause of house dust allergies and other respiratory problems. That’s why when I say cleaning your mattress is of essential importance I am not jesting around – I am as serious as Chuck Norris when he talks about Christian values and faith. That’s why I decided to give you a few really easy steps for cleaning your mattress by yourself.

Step 1: Gathering your supplies

Every great journey begins with the first step and this is another universal truth of the universe. Gather your supplies will actually determine the outcome of your quest when you venture into the unknown field of mattress cleaning like entering a bad neighborhood late at night. You have to be prepared for everything you will stumble upon and you will have to have your trusty equipment and supplies in order to prevail in this ordeal. You will need a vacuum cleaner with a mattress extension, an upholstery cleaner, an enzyme cleaner, a rough sponge, citrus cleaner and more along the way, depending on the type of stains you are facing.

Step 2: General cleaning

Vaccuming the First Step in Mattress Cleaning

Vaccuming the First Step in Mattress Cleaning

This is what you do as maintenance and upkeep every once in a while (the more frequently you can afford doing it, the better). You should begin with your trusty vacuum cleaner. You should always start with the vacuum cleaner. It’s a great way of generally removing serious quantities of dust from the mattress which means that when you apply the moisture, it won’t get all dirty an muddy like Uncle Owen’s ranch after it rains (you have an uncle named Owen who happens to own a ranch, right?). This is one of the things that will ensure your success. After vacuuming and meticulously removing the malarious dust particles waiting to clump together under the influence of the moisture, you can now safely apply the upholstery cleaner. Why upholstery cleaner? Because these products have been specially designed to clean surfaces that will be in touch with your skins and usually, unless you’re extremely sensitive, it shouldn’t have any irritating after-effects. Apply the upholstery cleaner and then wipe it with the sponge.

Cleaning Mattress

Cleaning Mattress

Step 3: Cleaning stains

When we are talking about handling stains, this turns from a thriller to a horror movie in the blink of an eye. Cleaning stains is much tougher than cleaning in general. You have to first identify the culprit so you can take proper measures. For blood stains, for example, you have to take early measures. The faster you act, the better, as speed is of the essence. First, apply hydrogen peroxide to the mattress with a nice, clean, white cloth (disposable, of course, so you can throw it out any time). This will lessen the stain so you can remove it more easily. Then rinse with cold water (add a little salt for extra effectiveness). Then make a solution of 1 part baking soda and 2 parts cold water and apply to the stain, letting it sit in for 30 minutes, then rinsing with the damp cloth. Finally, apply some detergent and rinse again. This should hopefully remove the stain.

For unidentified stains, use a citrus based detergent, let it sit for half an hour, rinse and pray to a higher power that the stain is removed.

Cleaning Mattress with Cloth

Cleaning Mattress with Cloth

The cleaning tips are provided by professional carpet cleaning.

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