Feng Shui For A Better Home

LHM March 22, 2015 Comments Off on Feng Shui For A Better Home
Feng Shui For A Better Home

Feng Shui For A Better Home

When applying feng shui principles to your home or even a single room, you want to achieve a clear, unobstructed flow of energy, also known as Chi. This energy is moving from one area of visual interest to another and should be imagined like water flowing down a stream. The goal is to remove all the obstacles that prevent the free flow of Chi. There are many ways to do this and repair your home so it can become more pleasant for living. This short guide will provide the know-how.

Where to Start

You can start creating a feng shui environment in a room that has little clutter, a room that is well aired and well-lighted. These are the basics for further modification, so this one should be easy. One of the founding principles of feng shui is good organization. By using feng shui bagua chart, you can determine the energy flow in your home for each room and then see which colors and decorations would facilitate the free flow of Chi.

Determine the Bagua Areas

If your living room is in the south bagua section, the energy flow will benefit from colors of fire and wooden furnishing. In other words, combinations of reds, oranges, yellows and purples, with green and brown shades would be excellent for such an area. On the other hand, there are colors and shapes that tend to block the energy flow in room which is in the south bagua area. Water is opposed to fire and the north is opposed to the south. The colors to avoid in this case are all shades of blue and black. Now, you don’t need to expel these colors completely, just limit them as much as possible.

Apply Feng Shui Principals to Your Home

Apply Feng Shui Principals to Your Home

A Perfect Balance

The key to a successful application of feng shui principles is to keep a perfect balance of all five feng shui elements. The location of your room is what determines what the proportion would be. So for the room in south bagua, you mustn’t eliminate the water presence completely, just limit its strength. When it comes to furniture arrangement within a room, the best advice I can give you is to create several areas across the room with different energy aspects. This will enable Chi to circulate unobstructed.

Avoid Sharp Angles

An energy that works against Chi is Sha chi, or sharp energy. You should avoid it flowing towards your resting areas or areas where your family members spend a lot of time. This attacking energy is generated by sharp corners and other pointy objects. Prolonged exposure to Sha chi can lead to illness and depression. So, what can you do with all those objects which don’t adhere to feng shui? You are certainly not going to throw them away. Instead you can store them in a container shelter in your backyard. In this way, they won’t be in the house but safely stored nearby and always close at hand.

Home Improvement

Home Improvement

Give it Personal Signature

You can even include some of your personal philosophies into feng shui decoration of your house. Always have in mind that your house is your place, refuge and shelter, a place that you share with your partner or family. No one knows better what stimulates the supporting energy in that area but you. Images of your loved ones, objects they made, drawings, items that somehow connect you and bring pleasant memories, all these elements facilitate the free energy flow throughout your home.

Although the underlying principles of feng shui are highly complex, this method from Eastern tradition can be easily applied to every home. Its ways are simple to understand and require a little effort and imagination. The most important thing is that if you want do decorate your home according to feng shui, you definitely need to include your loved ones, as they will share that space with you.

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