Handmade Bridal Bouquet that a Florist Would Envy

LHM November 14, 2012 Comments Off on Handmade Bridal Bouquet that a Florist Would Envy
Handmade Bridal Bouquet that a Florist Would Envy

Handmade Bridal Bouquet that a Florist Would Envy

Even the most skilled florist may not be able to make the bridal bouquet you truly want for your wedding. For this reason, it may be wise to take the situation into your own hands and make your own. It’s really not as difficult as you might imagine. With a few directions, patience and time, you could have the perfect handmade bridal bouquet even your florist will envy.

Bridal Bouquet Presentation

Bridal Bouquet Presentation

Stuff Required:

  • The flowers you want to use in your bridal bouquet
  • Tape made especially for flowers
  • Ribbon to wrap your bouquet
  • A beautiful pin to use as both a decoration and holder for your ribbon
  • Hairspray (aerosol works best)
Handmade Bridal Bouquet

Handmade Bridal Bouquet


Step #1: Prepare the Flowers

Remove the packaging for the flowers you ordered from a local florist, like, for example, Amore Fiori Denver florist. Don’t fret if there are some damaged ones. Simply remove those flowers. This is why it is good to purchase more than you need.

Use shears to remove the leaves from the flower stems. If you’d like some leaves, just remove the ones up to the stem directly underneath the flower.

Step #2: Choose the Largest

Choose the largest flower or the one you want in the center of your bouquet to start. You will be building from this center flower, so hold it securely in your hand.

Step #3: Add Flowers to the Bouquet

Add one flower at a time to the center going around it. You should always work around the center and outwards. Be sure to hold it securely or you may lose the pattern you’re creating.

Self Styled and Customized Bridal Bouquet

Self Styled and Customized Bridal Bouquet

Step #4: Completing the Flower Arrangement

The last ring of your bouquet should be lower than the rest of it. This gives it the poof that is typical of bridal bouquets.

Choose leaves if you’re looking for more of a rustic type of bouquet. If you want to do the same type of flower, that’s okay too.

If you’d like trailing flowers in the front of the bouquet, join them at this time.

Step #5: Securing Your Bouquet

Use your flower tape to secure the bouquet by wrapping it around the steps about 3 inches from the base of the flowers. Hold it tightly while you do this to ensure the tape wraps it in place.

Use the ribbon to cover the stems and flower tape. Start from the bottom of the bouquet to about a third of an inch from the flowers.

Secure the ribbon in place with the pin.

Spray the flowers with hairspray and place the bouquet in a vase of water.

Beautiful Handmade Bridal Bouquet

Beautiful Handmade Bridal Bouquet

Tips for Your Handmade Bridal Bouquet

  • Stand in front of mirror while you are creating your bouquet. This way, you’ll be able to see what others will see when you walk down the aisle.
  • For the outer ring of the bouquet, be sure to tilt the flowers outward.
  • Do a test run of making a bouquet a week or two before your wedding. This will give you sufficient time to figure out what you really want your bouquet to look like on your special day.
  • Keep bridal bouquet in a fridge until the day of the wedding to keep it from wilting.

When you want something done right, sometimes, you have to do it yourself. Start working on your bouquet today to have it done the way only you can make it for the best day of your life.

Wedding Flowers Bouquet

Wedding Flowers Bouquet

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