Selecting the Ideal Bi-fold Doors for Your Living Room

LHM November 30, 2013 1
Selecting the Ideal Bi-fold Doors for Your Living Room

Selecting the Ideal Bi-fold Doors for Your Living Room

Bi-fold doors are becoming more and more popular all the time. This type of door is also known as the ‘folding door’ which should give you an inclination of what they are like. Essentially these doors simply fold when they are opened or closed and as a result they make the best use of space – which is undoubtedly the main reason why they are so well liked. They prove to be extremely beneficial for small spaces. They are often the most popular choice when it comes to living rooms. This is because this is an area that gets a lot of use and tends to have a lot going on so people do not want to take over the room with bulky doors. Furthermore, bi-fold doors tend to offer a greater level of visibility as well.

Timber Bi-Folding Doors

Timber Bi-Folding Doors

If you are considering purchasing bi-fold doors then there are some things you need to take into account before you go ahead and seal the deal. First and foremost, you get what you pay for when it comes to this type of product. Do not get blind sighted by the cheapest deal. You want your doors to be easy to open and close – this is especially the case when you consider that the operation of a bi-fold door is different to the traditional types of doors. Thus, you need to make sure you choose a company with care and don’t search based on price. Read reviews that have been left by previous customers, check out their portfolio or case studies section and make sure they have the experience to boast as well.

Custom made Timber Bi-Folding Doors

Custom made Timber Bi-Folding Doors

You should also have a discussion with the joiners regarding the weather resistance of the doors. In general, bi-fold doors tend to be more susceptible to the effects of rain and wind. This is because they are a lot larger. This will not be an issue as long as the professionals use quality materials and have measures in place to combat this. Whilst on the subject of weather, wind can often make this type of door rattle because of the vibrations caused by air and noise movement. Make sure the company utilises inter-leaving panels, intermediate locking and sealing to guarantee your doors remain rattle free. You don’t want your doors to rattle under any circumstance, yet this is especially the case when you consider the fact that the living room is a place of relaxation and enjoyment and is a room frequently used.

Bi-Folding Doors

Bi-Folding Doors

Last but not least, you of course need to consider the design of the doors. This is extremely important because you want the bi-fold doors to match in with the overall style of your living room. If your living room area boasts a traditional vintage vibe yet you go for clean cut white contemporary folding doors it is not going to look right is it? Luckily, with the wealth of different options available nowadays this should not be an issue. You can have doors made to perfectly match in with your living area and your own personal taste.