Organizing Your Home Office Space

LHM August 4, 2013 Comments Off on Organizing Your Home Office Space
Organizing Your Home Office Space

Organizing Your Home Office Space

Many home offices are designed to be used for work, but end up being used as a dumping ground for things that don’t fit in other rooms. Some people use their office to store books, while others have rooms that are so cluttered that they are unable to be productive at all. Here are a few tips to help you organize your home office into a clean and productive space.

Banish Clutter

The first step to organizing your office is to go through everything in the room and sort it into piles of things that belong in the room and things that should be stored elsewhere. Your home office shouldn’t be a storage room. If you need extra space to store items that you’re not ready to part with, look for a Spring TX storage unit. Move everything that doesn’t belong in an office environment to another room or external storage space.


The next step is to toss the trash and clean every surface in the room so that you can put things back into clean drawers and onto clean shelves. Wiping down the walls and cleaning the floor will make the room sparkle when you are finished.


After you have cleaned the room thoroughly, start putting things back onto the shelves and on the desk surface. Make sure that everything in the room has a place so that you can easily put things back after you are done using them. Consider labeling the shelves with the items you store on them so you know exactly where each item belongs.

Add Light

One way to increase your productivity level in your home office is to add light. Purchase sheer window coverings so that natural light is able to enter the room as much as possible. You may also want to add a floor lamp or a desk lamp to increase the amount of light in the room. While you are replacing the light fixtures, be sure to check the ventilation level and make sure the room doesn’t feel stuffy. You want to be as comfortable as possible in your home office so that you actually spend time in it instead of using it as a place to store things.

Clean Home Office

Clean Home Office

Being organized is a key factor in productivity. The work you do in your home office may not always be enjoyable, but working in a clean, comfortable space is much nicer than trying to get something done in a dim storage room where your computer happens to be.

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