Painters Tape: Add Stripes to Your Wall

LHM August 12, 2013 Comments Off on Painters Tape: Add Stripes to Your Wall
Painters Tape: Add Stripes to Your Wall

Painters Tape: Add Stripes to Your Wall

Stripes can add amazing effects on the walls of your home. Creating that perfect line is hard and gives the impression that a lot of time has been invested in the effect. Painters tape is the best option to create the straight lines we desired. The painters tape covers all the areas you don’t need painted on a wall, in order for you to have clean, sharp looking finish on the paint job. The painters tape can help you determine areas where you need to paint, at any given time and hence, very important to any painter.

Beautiful Design Using Painter Tape

Beautiful Design Using Painter Tape

Nevertheless, not all painter’s tape is perfect for the job. Some are better than others, so ensure you get yours from a trusted brand such as Decorating Warehouse. The following are some of the things you must keep in mind whenever you’re dealing with painters tape.

Choose high quality painter tapes

Many painters dismiss painter tapes because they feel confident painting without it, however, this can result in a poor finished product. Decorators tape is a safety net for getting the job done to the best standard. The higher the quality of the tape, the most likely you are going to achieve a better, more professional look.

Removing Edges of Painter Tape

Removing Edges of Painter Tape

Work on clean surfaces

When you want to paint a given wall or surface, always make sure that the surface is clean. Dust, dirt or grime is not only bad for the general workmanship possible with a surface, but also because they make it hard to work with painter’s tape. The other benefit of working with a smooth clean surface is that the tape is more likely to stick better, allowing less paint to go outside the lines.

Work on flat surface

Uneven walls are a recipe for disaster, a simple bump in a wall can cause paint to go places you don’t want it to go.  Achieving a flat surface is one of the biggest challenges most painters face, giving a wall a simply once over with filler and sand paper can achieve a much better look.

Matching Decoration and Wall Stripes using Painters Tape

Matching Decoration and Wall Stripes using Painters Tape

Don’t use many layers on the painters tape

You need to desist from the temptation of applying a lot of paint on the painter’s tape when doing a paint job with it. Instead, opt for a single layer of paint on the tape, to ensure that you avoid layering. If the tape paint layer looks to thick, consider using a knife to remove the layer of paint, keeping in mind what the current room temperatures are, as you do it.

Wall Stripes in Children Room

Wall Stripes in Children Room

Overall, painter’s tape is one of the best things that could ever happen to the life of the painter. It allows you the opportunity, to not only achieve dynamic, clean and sharp shapes on a surface you’re painting, but also promote the overall look of a great paint job.

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